Floor Standing Corker

Floor Standing Corker

Wine Bottle Corking Machine

This free-standing adjustable corker is used by many small wineries, a beautiful piece of equipment for the avid winemaker.

Can be used as a floor-standing corker or fitted to a bench by screwing down through the holes in the feet.

This is well worth the extra money for bottling that home-brew wine in a stable and quick manner.

With the lever raised simply place a bottle on the platform and a cork between the jaws.

Gently but firmly pull the handle down while steadying the corker with your foot (if required).

As the cork is compressed by the jaws the plunger pushes it into the bottle.

Raise the handle and remove the wine bottle and check the depth of the cork.

You can change the plunger height to adjust the depth of the wine cork into the bottle - repeat until satisfied.

Slightly softening the corks by submerging them in a weak sulphite solution will assist the operation.


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