Bruclean 1kg

Bruclean 1kg - Cleaner & Steriliser

The choice of steriliser is a matter of personal preference.

Bruclean is now the only steriliser we use ourselves & is safe to use on all metals and plastics including aluminium.

We find it to be a highly effective, no-foam cleaner and steriliser, which is safe for use with all plastics and metals.

It is particularly effective in the cleaning.and sterilising of casks, fermenting vessels and tanks, with maximum recommended contact time 30 minutes.

Bruclean is an alkaline but non-caustic based detergent consisting of alkalis, wetting agents and sequesterants containing an available chlorine donor as a sterilant.

It can be used as a hot or cold solution.

For general cleaning, mix 5 – 10 grams of Bruclean per litre of hot or cold water & rinse equipment after use.

Excellent for automatic cask/keg washers and all CIP systems.

The wearing of rubber gloves for manual cleaning is recommended.

Tri-sodium Phosphate

Storage and handling:

Store in a cool, dry place away from acids, ammonia or ammonium compounds.


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