Grape Wine White
- 15 lb white grapes
- Sugar to adjust
- 2 teaspoons pectic enzyme
- White wine yeast
- Campden tablets or strong sulphite solution
Pick the grapes, remove them from the stalks and place them in a plastic bucket.
If the grapes are fully ripe they can be crushed easily by hand or with a sterilised wooden block.
Add the pectic enzyme, and one crushed Campden tablet or 1 teaspoon strong sulphite solution.
Stir well, cover with an upturned plate, then cover the bucket and leave for 24 hours.
Press the grapes or strain through a strong nylon straining bag, squeezing the bag to extract all the juice.
Take an S.G. reading of the juice and adjust with sugar syrup to 1.080.
Pour into a glass demijohn and add an active yeast starter.
Plug the jar with cotton wool and when the fermentation is active replace with an airlock.
Leave in a warm place and when the fermentation ceases (10-14 days) rack the clearing wine from the lees into a clean jar and remove to a cool place.
After 2 days rack again, adding 2 campden tablets or 2 teaspoons strong sulphite solution.
Mature in bulk for 12 months before bottling.