Counter Flow Wort Chiller - Stainless Steel 36 Plate - With Hose Connections

Super fast.

A compact, professional design of Counterflow Wort Chiller fitted with 41 stainless steel heat exchange plates which cool 80 litres of boiled wort down to pitching temperature within approx 15 minutes.

No pump required (gravity feed is sufficient) & unlike its immersion counterpart does not sit in the wort.

The cooler is easy to use and to clean with the water-use limited.

Well worth the investment for the brewer aiming for the highest quality.

Hose connections - the material of which may vary from that depicted, are barbed and accept 1/2" ID tubing.

The dimensions are approx 19cm long, 8cm wide and the height is 15cm to the top of the posts.

Made in China.


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