Brewferm - Brewers Caramel 100ml

Brewferm Brewer's Caramel: Essential Color Enhancer for Homebrewers

Brewferm Brewer's Caramel is a natural colourant made from pure burnt sugar, designed specifically for adding colour to beers, liqueurs, and other beverages.

This highly concentrated product is essential for homebrewers looking to adjust their brews' appearance and flavour profile.

Key Features:

  • Natural colorant derived from burnt sugar
  • Highly concentrated formula
  • Colour indication: 9500 EBC
  • Versatile use in beers, liqueurs, and other beverages


  • Use with moderation due to high concentration.
  • Add small amounts to your brew to achieve desired colour and subtle caramel flavours.
  • Ideal for darkening lighter beers or enhancing the complexity of darker styles.


  • Easily adjust beer colour without affecting gravity
  • Add subtle caramel notes to enhance flavour complexity
  • Consistent results in colour adjustment

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