Lalvin EC-1118 Wine Yeast

Lalvin EC-1118 - Champagne Yeast

Lalvin Wine Yeast - EC1118

Lalvin EC-1118 is a well-established strain of sparking and champagne yeast used around the world.

Even in less-than-ideal fermentation conditions, this champagne yeast is a real workhorse, making it a popular all-purpose choice.

Known for its robust and reliable fermentation it makes for a fantastic restart yeast for stuck fermentations.

This dry champagne yeast is selected for making dry meads since it ferments nearly all the sugars available to it.

  • Temperature Range: 10 - 30°C
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 18%
  • Makes: 4.5 – 23L

If EC1118 it not available we suggest GV3.


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