Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast

Lalvin D47 - White Wine Yeast

Lalvin ICV D47 Yeast

Lalvin D47 is highly recommended to produce premium, barrel-fermented white wines such as Chardonnay.

This strain is very compatible with malolactic bacteria and many mead makers' first choice for medium and sweet meads.

When left on lees, spicy, tropical and citrus notes will develop and the wine is then said to have a silky persistence.

It leaves a full mouthfeel which is great for boosting the body of a mead you might be concerned is going to be too thin.

  • Temperature Tolerance: 15-30°C
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 15%

Sprinkle contents directly on up to 23 L and ferment at 18-23 degrees for best results.


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