Sodium Bentonite

Sodium Bentonite 100g

Sodium Bentonite for Home Brewing – Vegan Friendly Clarifying Agent

Sodium bentonite is the go-to fining agent for home brewers seeking a crystal-clear finish in their wine and cider.

Unlike other fining agents that use animal products, sodium bentonite is a vegan-friendly option, making it suitable for all consumers.

While excellent for clarifying wines and ciders, note that it is not recommended for beer brewing due to its effects on foam retention.

Achieve Unmatched Clarity

Bentonite is a highly absorbent clay that attracts and binds proteins, yeast, and other organic materials that can cause cloudiness.

This process not only improves the appearance of your brew but also enhances its stability and shelf life.

How To Use:

  1. Mix the sodium bentonite powder with warm water to create a thick slurry.
  2. Add the hydrated bentonite slurry to your brew at the start of fermentation and stir well to ensure even distribution.
  3. Over a few days to a week, the bentonite will bind with particles and settle to the bottom of the vessel.
  4. Once nature has done its work, siphon off the clear beverage, leaving the sediment behind.

Features and Benefits

  • Superior Clarity: Achieve a brilliantly clear brew by effectively removing proteins and other haze-causing particles.
  • Improved Stability: Enhance the shelf stability of your wine or cider by eliminating potential sources of haze.
  • Neutral Flavour: Maintain the desired taste profile of your brew, as sodium bentonite does not impart any flavours or odours.
  • Vegan-Friendly: A perfect choice for brewers looking for a non-animal-based clarifying agent.
  • Easy to use: Simple preparation and application steps for hassle-free brewing.

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