Stainless Steel Degasser
The Whizz Stick
This de-gassing tool is designed to agitate the wine after fermentation without introducing more oxygen into it.
The stainless steel shaft is approx 35cm up to the bung & has food-grade plastic paddles and a high-density plastic bung.
The bung fits into our 23L & 11L glass carboys, simply attach the end of it to a 3/8" variable speed drill and away you go.
Our preferred method to check if the wine is completely degassed is to taste it - if you taste bubbles it’s not degassed.
Degassing your wine/mead is a vital step in the final stages of the wine-making process.
Simply put it involves removing the suspended carbon dioxide left over from fermentation.
Even sparkling wine begins as a still wine and must be free of carbon dioxide before becoming sparkling.
Leaving too much carbon dioxide in your wine can have the following negative effects on your wine.
- It leaves what should be a still wine carbonated.
- Suspended carbon dioxide prevents the wine from properly clearing.
- Carbon dioxide increases the sensation of acidity in wine.