Vinbrite Filter Kit - For Wine & Spirits
Home Brew Filter Kit
The Vinbrite Filter Kit has been expertly designed to give the final polish to your homebrew wine and spirits.
The Vinbirte Filter offers professional clarity at home at a reasonable price and is easy to use and sanitize.
This latest model of the Vinbrite MK3 kit includes the following:
- Easy-to-follow instructions
- Filter body
- Support Disc
- Locking Ring
- Funnel
- Vent Tube & Tap
- Spanner
- Transfer Tube
- Flow Control Clip
- 2 x Filtrabrite Pad (Fine Grade)
- 2 x Prime Pad (Coarse Grade)
- 2 x CrystalBrite Pad (Premium Grade)
Wine Filter
The wine is simply racked from one container to another, passing down the Syphon tube and then through the filter housing which contains the filtering pad.
The only pressure to push the wine through is gravity, so this is not a quick filter, but if you are not in a hurry, and are using it on small volumes, you will find that it does work effectively.
The Vinbrite filter kit has now been slightly modified to include certain changes that will considerably increase its performance.
As a result, the filter has a much faster flow rate, so producing an increased throughput of filtered wine.
This has been the result of constant research into new filter media and the inclusion of a venting system for the filter body.
These new hi-tech pads are slightly thicker than the previous ones and are extremely efficient when compared to any other wine-filtering media.
The Vinbrite instruction express that winemakers make sure that fermentation is completed before filtering.
Whenever gas bubbles are seen rising in the transfer tube, this indicates that the wine is still working.
In such cases, filtering should be stopped and the wine ferment out completely. However, winemakers are often impatient and will frequently try to filter unstable wines.
When filtering and handling wine in general, minute gas bubbles may be released as the wine is disturbed resulting in a back pressure build-up in the filter body, which can also affect performance.
The revised filter kit has now been designed to enable the winemaker to release any trapped air whilst filtering via the vent tube and tap.
The updating of this unique filter kit will keep the Vinbrite at the forefront of home wine filtration and will enable winemakers to filter wine more quickly to professional standards.
For more information on the Vinbrite Filter Kit check out this demonstration video.