Festival US Steam Beer Kit

Festival - US Steam Beer - Beer Kit

Festival US Steam Beer Kit provides a light copper coloured beer with a white fluffy head.

It has a light earthy character with toffee and caramel notes - Northern Brewer hops are included to provide a firm bitterness.

This premium Beer kit makes up to 40 pints of American Style Steam Beer with an approximate strength of 5% ABV.

With easy to follow step-by-step instructions, this all-inclusive premium ale kit, requires no additional sugar.

Festival World Beer Kits enable you to recreate a variety of beer styles from around the world, all within the comfort of your own home.

This Range was produced due to the success of Festival Premium Ale Kits that paid homage to great UK Beers.

Festival US Steam Beer Kit uses only the very highest quality liquid malt extracts, genuine brewer’s yeast and priming sugar.

Festival World Beer Kits are the UK’s most comprehensive and complete premium liquid malt extract beer kit ever produced. 

*For a commercial style finish to your beer, we suggest adding Pure Brew - a professional yeast nutrient and water treatment.

Please note this is just an ingredients box, and you will need beer making equipment.


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