Air Still Carbon Filter & Collection System 2.5L

This unit has a holder underneath the top tray to hold one Carbon Cartridge in place.

The fresh alcohol is poured into the tray and flows slowly through the cartridge as any impurities are removed.

Clean alcohol slowly collects in the base container.

Although a lengthy process (this can take in excess of 6 hours), it does have the major advantage of purifying the wash, leading to a cleansed alcohol base.

The bottom container can hold a total volume of 2.5L, whereas the upper container will handle 1.125L at a time.

What's Included?

• Carbon Filter and Collection System

• 50 ml Still Spirits Top Shelf Distilling Conditioner

• 30 g Still Spirits Ceramic Boil Enhancers

*It is recommended to replace the carbon filter after every 1.125L of distillate, please see replacement cartridges below. 


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